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The Minister of Health invites interested parties to submit written comments on the proposed draft Medical Schemes Amendment Bill.
The comments on the draft Bill must be submitted to [email protected] by no later than 21 September 2018
To amend the Medical Schemes Act, 1998; so as to exclude the application of the Consumer Protection Act, 2008, in relation to matters governed by the Medical Schemes Act; to extend the functions of the Council; to insert a new section 8A in terms of which the Council may require information from medical schemes concerning the services rendered by the health care providers to beneficiaries; to insert a new Chapter 3A providing for the creation of a Central Beneficiary Register and the management of that register by the Registrar and to establish risk measurement methodology; to redetermine the provisions relating to the admission of beneficiaries to a medical scheme and the cancellation of membership; to insert a new Chapter 5B, in relation to the various requirements applicable in determining the contributions payable to a medical scheme by its members; to provide for a Health Care Providers Register to be kept and maintained by the Registrar; to repeal certain sections; to re- determine the provision dealing with the establishment of the Appeal Board; to introduce an enhanced system of governance of medical schemes under the new chapter 11A; to empower the Council to determine broker fees from time to time and define the circumstances in which a medical scheme may receive payment of broker fees due by its members to a broker; to declare the carrying on of the business of a medical scheme by a person not registered as a medical scheme to be a separate offence, to prescribe the criminal penalties that may be imposed on persons convicted of that offence; and to provide for matters connected therewith.