Financial Responsibility (Insurance) Requirements for Vehicle Registration

Effective January 1, 2025, Senate Bill 1107 increases the minimum financial responsibility requirements.

Do I Need Financial Responsibility?

Financial responsibility (commonly known as insurance) is required on all vehicles operated or parked on California roadways.

You must carry evidence of financial responsibility in your vehicle at all times and it must be provided as specified below when:

Insurance companies in California are required by law (California Vehicle Code [CVC] §16058) to electronically report private-use vehicle information and as of January 1, 2023, Commercial and Fleet vehicle insurance information.

Electronic reporting of insurance information and programming changes that took effect in 2006 and 2023, allow DMV to monitor insurance coverage and take appropriate actions through vehicle suspension as required by law.

Law enforcement and court personnel have electronic access to insurance status on DMV records.

What Are the Minimum Liability Insurance Requirements for Private Passenger Vehicles (California Insurance Code §11580.1b)?

Effective January 1, 2025, the minimum liability insurance requirements for private passenger vehicles will increase as follows:

Liability insurance compensates a person other than the policy holder for personal injury or property damage.

Comprehensive or collision insurance does not meet vehicle financial responsibility requirements.

Does not include any additional Insurance requirements for Commercial and/or Fleet Vehicles deemed necessary by any Federal, State or Local Agency.

What Are the Types of Financial Responsibility?

*Effective January 1, 2025, the minimum amount requirements will increase to $75,000.

For information regarding cash deposits or self-insurance, contact the DMV Financial Responsibility Unit at (916) 657-6677 option #2.

To locate a company that issues surety bonds, contact the Department of Insurance at or by calling 1-800-927-4357.

Is Low Cost Insurance Available?

If you cannot afford liability insurance, you may be eligible for the California Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program. Additional information is available at or by calling 1-866-602-8861.

Will I Be Asked to Provide Evidence of Financial Responsibility?

You may be requested to submit additional insurance information to DMV, such as:

Must I Notify DMV Before I Cancel My Insurance?

Yes. To prevent a vehicle registration suspension, you must notify DMV before you cancel your insurance. If you are not operating your currently registered vehicle, and it is not parked on a California roadway, you may submit an Affidavit of Non-Use (ANU) (REG 5090) form to DMV online at, by calling the automated voice system at 1-800-777-0133, or by mail to one of the addresses at the end of this brochure.

You may remove the ANU during the same registration year online at, by calling 1-800-777-0133, or by mailing evidence of insurance to the DMV-VIP Unit at the address at the end of this brochure.

After filing the ANU, the vehicle’s insurance may be cancelled. However, if the vehicle is still not in use when registration renewal fees are due, you must pay renewal fees or request the vehicle be placed on planned nonoperation (PNO) status. You are not eligible to file an ANU once the registration expires. You can obtain additional PNO information at

When Is My Vehicle Registration Subject to Suspension (CVC §4000.38)?

Vehicle registration is suspended when:

What Do I Do If My Vehicle Registration Is Suspended?

If you have received a letter from DMV stating your vehicle registration will be suspended in the near future or has already been suspended, submit your insurance information and/or reinstatement fee:

DMV field office and call center personnel cannot process paperwork to clear vehicle registration insurance suspensions. You will be referred to one of the service options listed previously.

What Are the Consequences of Driving a Vehicle With Suspended Registration?

In addition to the vehicle registration suspension, you may: