Final Stable Syllable Worksheets

Final Stable Syllable Worksheets

Do you know what is a final stable syllable? A final stable syllable contains a constonant plus the letter l and a silent e, and always comes at the end of a word like bubble. Use these free worksheets to get some practice with this phonics concept!

Do you know what is a final stable syllable? A final stable syllable contains a constonant plus the letter l and a silent e, and always comes at the end of a word like bubble. Use these free worksheets to get some practice with this phonics concept!

Final Stable Syllable

Curious about what a final stable syllable is? Well, this post will teach you what it is and provide a final stable syllable worksheet for your grade 1 students. I love when we move on to new lessons with my little girl. Exploring a new concept and seeing her work hard to learn is fun. The past few weeks we have worked hard on the final stable syllable. What is it? I’m glad you asked.

What is a Final Stable Syllable

A final stable syllable always comes at the end of a word. This syllable will contain a consonant, the letter “L”, and a silent e. You may see this syllable referred to as the C + le syllable.

Bubble is an example of a final stable syllable or a C + le syllable because you have the consonant b and then the letter le.

It seems very simple, but there is one concept that we have worked hard on. When to double the consonant.

final stable consonant worksheet

Spelling Words with a Final Stable Syllable

Knowing when to double the constant in the final stable syllable goes back to our closed-door syllable. When a vowel is “closed” in by a consonant, then it makes a short sound. In the final stable syllable, we always put the consonant with the le. Now we have to look at what is left, and determine if we need to double the letter.

Let’s look at some examples.

juggle – we divide the word so that the “gle” makes the last syllable. Then I listen to the vowel sound in the first syllable. The “u” makes the short sound. If I don’t double the g, then I have ju/gle. The first syllable ends with a “u” and according to the open door rule, the “u” will make the long vowel sound. Not the word I want. So we double the g, and now the “u” will make the short vowel sound.

bugle – on the other hand, the word bugle would be divided up between the “u” and the “g”. The “u” makes the long “u” sound, and therefore I want the “u” to end that first syllable. I don’t need to double the g, because that would close in my “u” and it would make the short vowel sound.

I also don’t need to double letters, when the vowel sound is already closed in. In can/dle, the “n” closes in the “a”, so the “d” does not need to be doubled. Also, if we are looking at vowel teams or r-controlled vowels, the consonant will not need to be doubled either.

Bee/tle – The “ee” is a vowel team that makes the long “e” sound, so I do not need to double the t.

pur/ple = The “ur” is a r-contolled vowel, so I do not need to double the p.

open door syllable and consonant le

Final Stable Consonant Worksheet

This worksheet focuses on spelling C + le words.

  1. First, say the word that the picture represents.
  2. Next, have your child divide both words up before the final stable consonant.
  3. Now, have the child read both words to you. If the syllable ends in a vowel, remind them that the vowel will make the long vowel sound. If the vowel is closed in, remind them that it will make the short vowel sound. And mention that if the syllable is a long vowel or r-controlled vowel, then we do not double the consonant.
  4. Then, have them use do-a-dots to dot the word that is spelled correctly.
  5. Finally, have them write the word on the handwriting lines.

This final stable consonant worksheet is a quick way to review syllable types and work on when to double the constant in a C + le word.

trigraph reader

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Phonics Activities

open door syllable and consonant le

Final Stable Syllable Printable

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Rachel is a homeschool mom to four little ones, ages 2 to 6. She is a former public elementary teacher, and has recently began blogging at her page You’ve Got This.