Baylor scott white medical records

With access to the Patient Health Portal, you can have direct online access to medical record lab results, allergies, medical history, and more.



1. Initial set-up must be completed from a desktop or laptop computer.

2. To self-enroll, you must have provided an email at the time of registration. If an email was not provided, contact or (214) 407-5375 for assistance.

3. If an email address was provided at registration, this is the email address that must be used for enrollment by clicking this link.

4. Complete all fields on the enrollment request. Your medical record number is required for enrollment and must include the F and leading zeros. This number is located on the health portal flier given to you at the time of registration.

5. If enrollment is successful, you will receive an email with a link to create your own permanent login ID and password for the portal. Check your spam/junk folder if the email is not in your inbox.

6. After you create your login ID and password, you will be prompted to log off and sign back on with your newly created login ID and password.

7. You will be asked to accept the terms of use to proceed.

8. Please use this link for the visually impaired: Visually Impaired Patient Portal

9. Your health information can be accessed through an application such as those used on a smartphone. Depending on the application you choose, you may be able to access some of your information that is currently available in our patient portal described above. If you are interested in using an application, please email for further instructions.

Protect your health records and access them on IPhone anytime.

• Baylor Scott & White Medical Center – Frisco supports health records in the Health app, which is available to patients with an IPhone using iOS 11.3 or later.
• Easily access and visualize your health records in the Health app on IPhone. See important data across seven categories – allergies, conditions, immunizations, lab results, medications, procedures, and vitals – in a simple, aggregated timeline.
• Setup is simple. Getting your health records from Baylor Frisco into your IPhone is as easy as going to Health records section of the Health app, searching for our facility, which is separate from Baylor Scott & White Health, be sure that you select Baylor Scott & White Medical Center – Frisco. Then log in with the user name and password that you use to access our patient health portal.
• After you log in once, your health records will start to appear in the Health app, and you will be notified when new records are ready to view.
• Your health record data is kept secure, because it is encrypted and protected with the pass-code on your IPhone.

Portal Forms: