What's an Entity Regulation Pilot?

Please help us understand how to better serve you by taking a quick, two-question online survey.

Watch a new video that answers your questions about our proposed pilot project to authorize new legal services. We want your feedback!

Lawyers laughing at a gathering

The 2024 Solo and Small Firm Conference

Join your colleagues at the Clearwater Casino Resort for the 19th annual Solo and Small Firm Conference on Sept. 27-29!

Blind justice

WSBA Adopts New Public Defense Standards

Defenders and a landmark national study confirm lower caseloads and more support staff are necessary to right to an effective public defense.

Attorney using a tablet


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Cover of Bar News August 2024 mostly text

Inside Bar News

In the latest issue of Washington State Bar News, you'll find answers to some of the most pressing questions about the NextGen Bar Exam and other changes coming to attorney licensure in Washington.


Proposed Changes to Public Defense Standards Open for Public Comment

The Washington Supreme Court is seeking input on proposed changes to its adopted standards for public defense. Comment period ends Oct. 31.


Pathways to Licensure Steering Committee

The Washington Supreme Court recently directed WSBA to convene the Pathways to Licensure Steering Committee to coordinate next steps for a new bar exam and other avenues toward lawyer Licensing. Apply today to join the committee.

Stephen Kozer and his nominator Jordan Shipley-Shaw

Stephen Kozer Named Local Hero

WSBA recently presented Grant County public defender Stephen Kozer with the Local Hero award in recognition of his leadership and determination to defending those accused with limited means.

A Lot has Changed in 100 years—What about Legal Service Delivery Models?

A Lot has Changed in 100 years—What about Legal Service Delivery Models?

These are the questions behind a proposed pilot project to test entity regulation that is being advanced by leaders of the Practice of Law Board (POLB) and the.

The Deeper Meaning of Labor Day and How I Accidentally Rediscovered My Grandfather in Law SchoolÂ

The Deeper Meaning of Labor Day and How I Accidentally Rediscovered My Grandfather in Law SchoolÂ

Retired attorney Michael Goldenkranz reflects on his maternal grandfather's significant role in securing rights for union members, despite suffering personal a.

Court of Appeals Affirms Denial of Withdrawal with Sanctions PendingÂ

Court of Appeals Affirms Denial of Withdrawal with Sanctions PendingÂ

Knowing when to withdraw is often a difficult exercise. A recent decision by Division I of the Washington Court of Appeals in Seattle, however, underscored the.

New Ethics Advisory Opinion on Surrendering the Client FileÂ

New Ethics Advisory Opinion on Surrendering the Client FileÂ

Your former client wants a copy of their file, but they haven't paid you your fee. Do you have to give it to them? You've already given your client a copy of t.

Court of Appeals Affirms Order Prohibiting Pro Se Party from Contacting Represented OpponentÂ

Court of Appeals Affirms Order Prohibiting Pro Se Party from Contacting Represented OpponentÂ

The Washington Court of Appeals affirmed an order prohibiting a pro se party from contacting a represented opponent in Ryan v. Timmerman. The plaintiff, injure.

A brick law office facade

The 2024 WSBA Solo and Small Firm Conference: Looking Back to Move Forward

Join other solo or small firm practitioners at the 19th annual Solo and Small Firm Conference on Sept. 27-29! The theme this year is “Looking Back to Move Forward."

A diverse group of lawyers.

Cultivating A Thriving Profession: Insights from Our Membership Demographic Study

WSBA recently partnered with a research consultancy to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the composition and experiences of our membership. This webinar will share main findings from this research study and their implications on systemic efforts to enhance member wellness, access to justice, and public trust in the judiciary system.

Woman in a meeting

Board of Governors Meeting Sept. 6-7

The next Board of Governor's meeting will be held Sept. 6-7 at the Great Wolf Lodge in Grand Mound, WA.

Lawyers networking

MentorLink Mixer: Artificial Intelligence in Law

Join us for our next MentorLink on Sept. 25, when the theme will be Artificial Intelligence in Law. RSVP by Sept. 20.

Foundation Graphic BoxFoundation Graphic Box

Washington State Bar Foundation

Help the Bar Foundation fill the gaps in the legal system. Make a donation today.

Public Service Opportunties

Find Legal Help

Facing a legal issue and don't know where to turn? Start here. Your options might surprise you.



Information about common ethical issues, such as conflict of interest, client confidentiality, withdrawal, client communications, fee arrangements, trust accounts, and advertising.

An attorney shaking hands with a client

Moderate Means Program

The Moderate Means Program (MMP) is a state-wide program designed to bridge this gap with attorneys who offer reduced-fee assistance in family, housing, and consumer law cases.

Bank icon

IOLTA and Client Trust Accounts

Learn more on how to manage a trust account and recordkeeping requirements.

Attorneys working around a table

Member Wellness Program

The Washington State Bar Association Members Wellness Program promotes the health and well-being of WSBA members.


Transition Your Practice

Information and resources for closing or selling your practice, changing practice area, retiring, and getting advice.


Lending Library

Borrow books from our Lending Library to expand your expertise on practice management.

Manage icon

Managing Your Practice

Resources to better manage and improve your practice, including hiring staff, cybersecurity, self-auditing, and personalized advice.

Scale icon


WSBA's guides include Document Retention, Disaster Planning, Cybersecurity, and Hanging Your Shingle.

photo of person at the top of a mountain peak pulling another person up

Volunteer with WSBA



The Unbar is the only attorneys Alcoholics Anonymous group in Washington state and has been meeting together since 1986. This supportive group of attorneys has helped thousands of attorneys in recovery.